Dinner-Dance Photo Gallery

Shots from the camera of Jos Bell at the 2002 39th PHS'63 Class Reunion In the Big Apple.
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Vern Morrell - Younger and younger every day

Ruth, Mamie, Shadow and Friend

Bas and Sheila - Leaders of the Panama Pack

Benilda - Looking Wonderful

Clay, Sonya & Eric - Leaders of the USA (NY) Pack

Deleceita - Looking Royally Magnificent

Ruth Farraro and Family

Presenting Mr Alfredo Holmes

Joan Harewood - Coming out in Style

Joan - One more time

Juliet White - Sweety-Pee

Molly Moore Blades Happy to be here...& Gladston Hogaro

The Philpotts all the way from Miami

Presenting Sonya Thorne Koinange

The Bell's